Thursday, November 12, 2009

Recognition by the Z Society

The sign of the Z Society on the steps of the Rotunda

I am aware that I am violating the laws of secrecy by writing and publishing this entry, but there are some secrets too tempting to reveal, and this is one of them… According to a series of “mystical” events, I have been honorably recognized with the highest of honors at the University of Virginia.

In retrospect, I remember my first day at the University of Virginia as some distant memory… I recall standing on the Lawn facing the Rotunda listening attentively to President Casteen’s speech. To say the least, I was awed by the scholarly atmosphere. I was embarking on a journey in which I would have to follow in the footsteps of some great figures that either produced, or were produced by, UVa. Thomas Jefferson, Woodrow Wilson, Edgar Allen Poe, Georgia O’Keeffe are to name a few.

As I was daydreaming in the beauty of the Lawn’s architecture, the president paused and made an announcement that one of UVa’s secret societies, the 7 society, donated $7,777 to the Class of 2010. That’s all he said about the matter.

Ever since then, I’d been truly interested in UVa’s secret societies. Their clandestine identity stimulates my curiosity even more since they mark their presence all over campus. Its almost as if they’re ghosts with eyes and ears all over the university who recognize even the most miniscule acts of courage, goodwill, and service.

When one thinks of secret college societies, one thinks of Yale’s Skulls and Bones. Initially, I had a very negative perception of them since they produced the likes of President Bush. Also, deep down inside, I feel that they play a clandestine role in possessing and exploiting power to serve their interests. At UVa, this doesn’t seem to be the case.

Well… let me get to the story of how my path crossed with those UVa’s premier collegiate secret society, the Z society…

On November 11, 2009, as I was sitting through another one of my senior thesis project meetings, I was routinely checking my email out of boredom. I then stumbled upon an email sent by the Z society. I knew who they were…all of the sudden, I skipped a heart beat. I knew an email from them was meant something…

Upon opening it, it read the following:

Dear Mr. Allam,

Before 11:37 PM tomorrow, please proceed to the Alderman Library Stacks. There, find a book with the call number PQ2605.A3734 A19. Look inside the book.

We look forward to hearing back from you.



I instantly lost all my concentration of what was going on during the meeting. Actually, I completely lost focus throughout the rest of the day. All that was running through my mind were the events that had happened over the past couple of months that could have led to them recognizing me.

Sure, I have been more outspoken and active at UVa. Academically, I do not let a lecture go by without having some input. Also, the diversity of my studies may lead to my recognition as a student who is purely in pursuit of knowledge.

Could it be that they have seen me roaming around the Art Museum, the Rotunda, the Lawn meticulously photographing and appreciating every detail of this university… Can they read my inner thoughts about how I have come to appreciate UVa.

It could very well be my idealist initiative to bridge the gaps between the Middle Eastern and Jewish communities on grounds. I have endeavored to foster a relationship between these two entities repeatedly as a member of the Middle Eastern Leadership Council.

All day long, I kept thinking of what it could have been that led to my recognition by UVA’s most prestigious secret society.

Before going on my mission to see what awaited me in a book in Alderman Library, I did some research on the Z Society.

According to my research, the Z Society was founded in 1892 and its purpose is to exemplify the spirit of the society and uphold the ideals of the university. The Z Society encourages and recognizes excellence through honorary dinners and awards.

What grasped my attention is their slogan that:

"The definition of best student is intentionally left ambiguous because each of us pursues greatness in very different ways; however, the best student is an individual who has pursued academic greatness with fervent ardor and keen insight while never forgetting the importance of those priorities aside from school."

My story with the Z Society goes on. Later that night, I proceeded to Alderman Library in the rain. Upon reaching the library, I went to the front desk where a cute receptionist awaited me. At this point, I felt that the whole university was conspiring in order to lead me to this book in the library. I asked her where I can find the book by showing her the call number. She gave me directions to navigate me through the archives of Alderman Library. Apparently she wasn’t “in” on it. I proceeded to the stacks, and when I reached the right section, the book wasn’t there. I was extremely disappointed.

I was determined to find that book, so I looked all over the place. I skimmed several dozen shelves before giving up. As I was about to quit and leave, I saw a librarian pass by. I nonchalantly asked him if he could lend a hand in my scavenger hunt without disclosing the secrecy of my operations. He then pointed me to a different section. Apparently this section wasn’t where the book was supposed to be placed. He looked for a while there, but couldn’t find it. As I was browsing the area, I found the book. Again, my heart skipped a beat. I didn’t want to let him know that I found it, so I suddenly said “Never mind! I’ll just look for another book. Thank you for your help!” He replied by saying, “Are you sure you don’t want to reserve the book you were looking for?” “Nope! Thanks for your time; bye bye!” I replied as I walked away. I wanted to get him away from the book! After he left the section, I went back and picked out the book.

I was breathless as I opened the book. Inside was a small envelope with the name, Mr. Allam written elegantly on it in cursive. I quickly opened the letter to find the following note inside:

The Z Society

Humbly requests the honor of

your presence at an

informal recognition dinner for students and faculty.

Monday, November 30th, 2009

6 o’clock to 8 o’clock PM

Michael’s Bistro



I was honored to say the least. I cannot pinpoint the source of my recognition, but I have endeavored to be the best person I can over the past semester and I am glad someone has taken notice, even it that entity is the anonymous and secret Z Society. I will be accepting their invitation where I hope to see other accomplished members of the University.

My morale is high! My endeavors at UVa have paid off. This is another piece of encouragement that I believe God has placed on my path to success. This boost will push me to continue to my journey to achieve greatness.


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